About Us

This web portal is maintained and administered by the Malta Tourism Authority.

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About Us

At the Malta Tourism Authority, we are all about bringing people together, creating and fostering relationships, through the excitement of travel and adventure. Essentially, the Malta Tourism Authority is the main regulator and motivator for the tourism industry in Malta. The MTA Is also the industry’s motivator, its business partner, Malta’s brand promoter, and sees to it that meaningful partnerships with all the tourism stakeholders are formed, maintained, and managed.

At face value, this means being close to those who visit our Islands, but as an Authority, we also work closely alongside our private sector partners. More importantly, we help strengthen the industry’s human resources, as we seek to ensure the highest standards and quality of our tourism product and foster relations with local and international media.

The Authority was formally set up by the Malta Travel and Tourism Service Act (1999). This legislation clearly defines our role – extending it beyond that of international marketing to include a domestic, motivating, directional, coordinating, and regulatory role.

The Act strengthens the public and private partnership in tourism through greater and more direct participation by the private sector in national planning and development of the industry.


Our Role is

  • to promote and advance Malta as a quality and sustainable tourism destination;
  • to advise the country’s executive on tourism operations and to issue licences under the Act;
  • to contribute towards the improvement of the level of human resources in the tourism industry; and
  • to advise the government on the planning and development of the tourism industry as well as on the infrastructure supporting the industry.

Ultimately, as an Authority, we are here to assist and advise on any tourism-related issues and to undertake activities and projects to fulfill our role.


Standards and Licensing

The MTA mission includes licensing, monitoring, and control of:

  • Accommodation and catering establishments;
    Travel agencies, incoming tourism agencies and destination management companies;
  • Organised excursion operators; and
  • Tourist guides.

If you have any comments regarding tourism services on the Islands, feel free to contact us.


Customer Care

E-mail: [email protected]
Tel: 356 22915000
Freephone: 356 80072230 *
Website: http://www.mta.com.mt

* Available from Monday to Friday: 08.00 – 12.30 and 13.15 – 17.00.

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